Health & Living Live 2017 Re-cap #4: Age of the Sex Drought July 31, 2017 Dr. In The House, Sexual Health & Fertility If you and your partner are not having sex, does that mean your relationship is dead? Apparently, there is a new kind of sex drought, the one brought about by modern life. The good news is, there’s a way...
Condom ‘Too Big’ or ‘Too Small’ July 30, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am a 22-year- old University student and I face a very embarrassing problem. I started having sexual relationship with several ladies in the college in the last few months. Of course, being...
Caring For Our Eyes July 28, 2017 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging Earlier this year in the United Kingdom, when a 67-year old woman checked in for her cataract surgery, she surprised her doctors in more ways than one. Twenty-seven, in fact, for the number of contact...
Is Penis Pearling Worth It July 23, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function First of all, I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading your articles. I like your sense of humour, and I think this is definitely an effective way to break the taboo in a sensitive subject of...
Reprogramming Brain Cells Against Parkinson’s Disease July 21, 2017 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging It starts with a tremor, then your face loses its expression and your arms its sway. Those are the progressive symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, a disorder of our nerves that can rob us of our mobility...
Nipple Stimulation and Sex July 16, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, My name is Joshua and my wife and I have been married for the last five years. Last month, my wife noticed a small lump in her left breast. We went to the doctor straight away and the biopsy...
Charlie Gard July 14, 2017 Dr. In The House, Medical Ethics & Economics When doctors and parents of a baby boy Charlie Gard in United Kingdom disagree on continuing or removing his life-support system, the debate moved from the ward to the court and into public light. Who...
‘Bleeding’ Balls July 9, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am somewhat amused by the queries you have recently addressed relating to the scrotum, ranging from lopsided scrotum, to the itchy balls. I guess I am going to put the ball in Dr G’s court...
Itchy Balls July 2, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I have an embarrassing problem. I am 25 years old and sexually active. In the past three months, I have been experiencing problem with itchy balls. On several occasions, my partner caught...