Dear Dr. G,

I am a father of two boys and constantly worry about my children inheriting something I find extremely embarrassing.

Since puberty, I have often observed in the mirror and noticed that my penis is somewhat small.

I was too embarrassed to talk to my parents.

During my university days, I went to the doctors myself and had it checked out.

The doctors said I was just too concerned as my penis size is average.

I agree many men may have “locker room syndrome” where they feel their penises are small despite being of normal size.

However, this inferiority complex can be destructive.

Despite being in my late thirties and married with two children, the issue of my penis size still bothers me, and I worry about how this can affect the next generation.

Out of my two boys, aged 8 and 10, I think my older son has inherited this misfortune.

I feel I suffered into adulthood because I did not get medical attention until my twenties, so I am putting Dr. G on the spot regarding why men are shortchanged.

I am also seeking an opinion on how this can be rectified, especially for my son.

First, how small is small? What constitutes a micropenis?

Can a micropenis be hereditary?

Do penis enlargement supplements really work?

What operations are available for men or boys with a small penis?

When should a person see a doctor or consider surgical procedures?

I really hope you can help overcome the shortcomings faced by me and my son.

Yours truly,

Shortchanged Steven

A micropenis is diagnosed when the penile length is at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the average penis.

It is generally considered to be less than 7cm long compared to the average erect penis length of 12.5cm.

This condition affects approximately 0.6% of the general population and there is currently no evidence to suggest micropenis is hereditary.

Very few studies have been done on the size of the penis in children and adolescents, as the true size is not determined until the child is fully grown.

Many concerned parents often seek medical attention for their prepubertal boys with smaller penises, especially when this is observed between siblings.

The most common reason for boys with smaller-appearing penises is childhood obesity.

Excess fat in the suprapubic area of overweight children can cause the penis to retract inward, which can raise concerns in parents who worry about their sons suffering from micropenis.

Another reason for children having smaller penises can be due to phimosis.

A non-retractable foreskin can also result in the penis looking smaller as there is minimal room for penile protrusion in children.

To date, no lotion or potion that claims to induce penile enlargement can stand up to scientific scrutiny.

The penile supplements available online can come in pills, patches, and ointments, and a recent analysis of these products revealed the ingredients are standard vitamins, minerals, hormones, and herbs.

The claim of inducing penile size increase has no scientific basis, and any testimonial evidence may be placebo in nature and generally anecdotal.

Having said that, the consumption of supplements that contain vitamins and harmless herbs is generally risk-free.

However, adulterated supplements with steroids, hormones, or medicines such as Sildenafil will have risks for patients with contraindications and such treatments are clearly harmful to children.

Meanwhile, penile augmentation is the application of any technique aimed at increasing the length or girth of the human penis.

Several methods have been proposed for enlargement, generally divided into surgery and physical traction, and of these surgical methods are the most scientifically robust ways to enlarge male genitalia and all others are generally considered unproven.

The same report revealed that men with average or below-average size penises undergoing surgical intervention can be “damaging both to physical and mental health”.

According to the study, “the overall surgical treatment outcomes were poor, with low satisfaction rates and significant major complications including penile deformity and shortening”.

On top of that, surgical intervention is both inappropriate and unnecessary for children of any age.

The 2019 International Society of Sexual Medicine review found that men with micropenis are the only group who may benefit from surgical intervention.

It’s not unusual for men to experience a bit of an inferiority complex when comparing themselves to their peers.

When men put Dr. G on the spot, worrying about God being unkind and shortchanging them like father like son, his response is that nurturing a healthy son from the get-go can ensure that the boy transforms from a small puppy into a rottweiler in no time.”

As for the father still contemplating rectifying his compromised asset in the pants, trust me when I say that any alteration of the size of the dog often ends up making the asset look like a dog’s dinner!

On that note, I wish all the fathers in the world an amazing Father’s Day!

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