Dear Dr. G,

With your ongoing series on male sterilisation, I’d like to ask about vasectomies. My husband and I have two children, both delivered via caesarean section due to complications.

Following two difficult births, my gynaecologist has advised sterilisation for one of us, and I have reservations about both of us undergoing surgical procedures.

Therefore, I have several questions about a vasectomy. Will my husband still ejaculate normally?

Can he continue to experience pleasure during intercourse? Will his erections and libido be affected post-vasectomy?

We just want to ensure that he will not feel less of a man after sterilisation.

Hoping for your insight,

Lesser Leslie

A vasectomy is a well-tolerated male sterilisation procedure gaining global acceptance, with significant adoption rates even in conservative regions like South Korea.

Despite misconceptions, a vasectomy does not alter the composition or appearance of semen, as it primarily prevents sperm from entering the ejaculate.

The procedure has no impact on the blood and nerve supply to the penis, ensuring that a man’s erections remain unaffected. Furthermore, testosterone levels – critical for libido – are not influenced by a vasectomy, as testicular arteries are not involved in the operation.

Achieving an orgasm is a process controlled by the brain, and a vasectomy does not interfere with this as it is a minor intervention in the scrotum.

Consequently, men will continue to enjoy a normal sexual climax after the procedure.

When considering family planning options, particularly for couples who have fulfilled their desire for children but face high-risk pregnancies, vasectomy emerges as a viable solution

My take is that once a man overcomes the mental barriers around a vasectomy, his manhood stands robust and unaffected.

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