Dear Dr G,

I read with amusement some news that was sent to me recently.

Apparently, frequent ejaculation in young men is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer.

This is amusing as I was brought up in an Asian family and was taught that too much sex is damaging to health, especially the kidneys.

Contrary to Eastern teachings, this scientific publication actually suggests that frequent sex is good for overall health.

I have just turned 40 and have had frequent sex throughout my twenties and thirties and I often felt guilty as I ejaculated every other day, averaging around 15 times a month.

Now, I am feeling both confused and relieved and I would like to put Dr G on the spot regarding this protection against prostate cancer.

What exactly is the study that supports such findings? How credible is the study? What is the exact mechanism of the protection?

Is there a dose correlation between the frequency of ejaculation and protection against prostate cancer?

Is there still any point in frequent ejaculation in my forties for protection against cancer?

As I overcome the guilt of a very active sex life in the last two decades, please shed some light on this orgasmic scientific research.

Warmest regards,

Climatic Clement

The Harvard Health study has been in the media and scientific spotlight since its publication in 2016. Researchers surveyed 29,342 healthcare professionals in New England since 1986.

These included volunteers such as doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, and pharmacists, obtaining data on their sexual behaviour over nearly three decades. Younger adults aged 20 to 29 and older individuals aged 40 to 49 were studied.

In addition to sexual intercourse, participants were asked to record the frequency of masturbation and wet dreams to stratify the relationship between orgasm and prostate cancer. The study concluded in 2000.

The study revealed that participants who ejaculated at least 21 times a month in their twenties were 31% less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who ejaculated fewer than seven times per month.

Additionally, men in their forties who ejaculated more than 21 times per month had an “orgasmic protection” of 22% compared to their less active counterparts. These results were subjected to rigorous statistical analysis, even accounting for other lifestyle factors. The Harvard study was not the first to reveal the protective benefit of frequent ejaculation.

An Australian study involving 2,338 men reached a similar conclusion. The study found that men who ejaculated an average of 5 to 7 times a week before the age of 70 were 36% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer compared to those who ejaculated less than 2.3 times per week. In other words, daily ejaculation up to the age of 70 protected more than a third of the male population from prostate cancer.

Although both studies were published in reputable scientific journals, the exact mechanism behind the risk reduction of cancer through frequent ejaculation is unknown.

Critics suggest that frequent ejaculation is a barometer of overall health, as sexually active men tend to be healthier and have a lower risk of cancers. Conversely, men with low sexual frequency may be less healthy, with increased risks of cancer and other diseases.

Some scientists propose that frequent ejaculation may remove excess sperm or unknown pathogens responsible for inflammatory changes in the prostate glands. This may explain the protective effects of frequent ejaculation.

However, Oriental conservative beliefs often consider frequent ejaculation harmful to health, especially to a man’s qi. That said, scientific publications suggest a dose-dependent relationship, where the risk of cancer becomes lower with more ejaculations.

Dr G is often asked by men who feel guilty about past sexual activities yet curious about the frequency of sex that is beneficial for health. In reality, there is no set number of times a person should ejaculate to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

When exploring this colourful world of scientific research in sexual health, his attitude is that “the curious potential of sex can only be guided by the light of research to reveal the true colour of nature.”

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