Supplementing male fertility January 30, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Dear Dr G,I have been reading with frustration the recent articles in male infertility and ART (Artificial Reproductive Technology).I really think human reproduction is a natural way of creating babies,...
Sharing the good fortune of fertility January 23, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Dear Dr. G,I read with interest the recent article on the preservation of sperm based on the question posed by a man facing the challenges of testicular cancer.I am glad I don’t have major health setbacks,...
COVID-19 Jabs for 5-11 Year-Olds January 21, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Parents can now register their kids aged 5-11 on MySejahtera for the COVID-19 vaccination, which will be rolled out in February. But many parents are worried about the safety of administering the Pfizer mRNA...
Calculated U-turn after the snip January 16, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Dear Dr. G,I am a man in my mid-fifties and have been living as a widower since my wife died five years ago.We were married for twenty-five years and have two amazing children.Sadly, my wife died of breast...
Freezing virility despite losing a testicle January 9, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Dear Dr. G,I read with interest about the Movember feature on cancer and men and how different cancers affect certain age groups.On this, I am sad to say that my new year did not start well; I discovered a...
Piercing thoughts down below December 19, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I went to a dinner party with my wife recently.After a bit of alcohol, all the guests seemed to be rather disinhibited and the dinner conversation just evolved around one person who went for genital...
Fighter between the sheets after prostate cancer November 14, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Cancer, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I attended a prostate cancer awareness week last November during the #onlymencan campaign and built up the courage to go for a PSA blood test.My PSA was elevated, and I was advised to have a...
Not a singular problem October 24, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,My husband is a 28-year-old man who was born with just one testicle.Doctors assured his parents the testicle was "lost" along the way out and would find its way back to its rightful...
Killing the balls softly September 26, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,My wife and I have been married for eight years and she became pregnant within a year of the wedding.We are obviously very blessed with our daughter; However, ever since the first pregnancy, we...
Are We Ready to Reopen Schools Amid Delta? September 19, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I read with interest last week’s article on how to “breed like Mick Jagger”.I may not be breeding like Jagger (yet), however doing a U-turn on my contraception may get me on course to do so.I...