Supplementing male fertility

Dear Dr G,I have been reading with frustration the recent articles in male infertility and ART (Artificial Reproductive Technology).I really think human reproduction is a natural way of creating babies,...

Sharing the good fortune of fertility

Dear Dr. G,I read with interest the recent article on the preservation of sperm based on the question posed by a man facing the challenges of testicular cancer.I am glad I don’t have major health setbacks,...

COVID-19 Jabs for 5-11 Year-Olds

Parents can now register their kids aged 5-11 on MySejahtera for the COVID-19 vaccination, which will be rolled out in February. But many parents are worried about the safety of administering the Pfizer mRNA...

Calculated U-turn after the snip

Dear Dr. G,I am a man in my mid-fifties and have been living as a widower since my wife died five years ago.We were married for twenty-five years and have two amazing children.Sadly, my wife died of breast...

Killing the balls softly

Dear Dr. G,My wife and I have been married for eight years and she became pregnant within a year of the wedding.We are obviously very blessed with our daughter; However, ever since the first pregnancy, we...