Reversing the warming worms in the sacs September 12, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Dear Dr. G,My wife and I have been trying for a baby since we married three years ago and although we both understand that such a miracle takes time, we are anxious as there has been no positive...
Breeding Like Mick Jagger September 5, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,Houston, we have a problem; my wife is pregnant again!Don't get me wrong. We are overjoyed with the good news of the pregnancy.However, things are clearly not going to be straightforward.I...
No doom and gloom when it comes to postpartum sex July 4, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I would like to shout out to the world that I became a proud father of a baby boy six months ago. I am so glad I supported my wife throughout the whole pregnancy.From the moment of a positive...
Wishing for a father’s role on Fathers’ Day June 20, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I am a 30-year-old man who has been married for more than two years.My wife and I have always dreamt of having kids to complete our family. We have both tried very hard and have regular sex in the...
Healthy lifestyles key to dealing with ‘male menopause’ May 23, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am having a midlife crisis and I really need some help.I am a middle-aged man reaching the age of 50.My wife tells me in the last three years I haven’t been myself.My libido is almost...
Embracing sex during pregnancy without worry February 14, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,Valentine’s Day is one day I look forward to every year.My wife and I actually met and also got married on Valentine’s Day.We always enjoy this special day together with a romantic dinner,...
Spirits, smokes and sperm December 20, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, General Health Dear Dr. G,My wife and I have been married for seven years and we have a five-year old son.We want another child and have been trying for four years without any success.I recently went to the doctor...
Trouble under the hood (updated) November 29, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am a guy in my mid-twenties and since my teenage years, I have always noticed some difficulties to fully retract my foreskin. This often results in regular smelly inflammations of the glans...
The bittersweet truth of sex after prostate cancer November 23, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Cancer, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I send you this email with a very heavy heart as I recently discovered I have prostate cancer, which was detected when I visited the doctors for my medical check up recently after several months of...
Can too much sex cause prostate cancer? November 15, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am a 52-year-old man who is reasonably fit and healthy.Like most men approaching their fifties, I have begun to hear more about the prostate.I have no idea what it is, and how to look after the...