Romancing with social distancing April 5, 2020 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,Like most Malaysians and the rest of the world, affected by movement control order (MCO), I am feeling rather anxious paranoid about disease transmission.If I understand correctly, the virus...
Manipulating the Miracles of ARTS February 9, 2020 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Infection Dear Dr. G, I read with interests the natural ways to boost the quality of sperms in your column last week. I am hoping to pick your brain for similar matters this week.My wife and I have been married...
Bumpy rubber for pleasure rides October 20, 2019 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I read with disappointment the article last week on the condom conundrum: To use or not to use, depicting using condom to being “like taking a shower with a raincoat on” or “eating candy...
Blue moob in Pink October October 6, 2019 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions Dear Dr. G, I am hoping you can help me with concerns I have with my mobs (male boobs). I am a middle-aged man who may have over-indulged in my younger days and am now suffering from the consequences of a...
Cracked wood and the wilting willow May 19, 2019 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am a thirty-three-year old man and have been married for three years. I was diagnosed with diabetes about a year ago and have recently have been having problems in bed. Six months ago, I...
Ways to stay healthy and sexy at 50 April 21, 2019 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions The fifth decade of life witness changes in achievement, success and health. Some changes may be invigorating and exciting, others can be difficult and challenging. Dear Dr. G, Mohammad Ali famously said:...
Embracing a mixed bag of hormones April 7, 2019 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions Dear Dr. G, I noted you almost exclusively respond to male readers. I am hoping you can also solve certain conundrum in my life concerning sex. I am a 25-year-old woman who just started sexual...
Sex And Being Single November 11, 2018 Ask Dr. G, General Health, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, Apart from the men’s health Movember November, I don’t know whether you are aware that Nov 11 is Singles’ Day. On this special day, I am hoping you can address some myths or facts...
Only 35, but balding and start to wilt where it counts November 4, 2018 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions Dear Dr. G, Greetings on the first weekend of November, as we venture into the month-long men’s health awareness of Movember. Although I love to participate in the facial hair growing activities...
Boob Jobs For Men October 7, 2018 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions Dear Dr G, I am a 34 year-old man who is asking for help during the month of breast awareness - Pink October. I am someone who has always been on the heavy side and admittedly not a keen sportsman. I...