Igniting a Sexual Relationship July 31, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G.I understand you are a urologist and are usually answering questions related to men but I hope that you can help me unravel some issues I...
Making every sperm count July 24, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Dear Dr G,I understand the theme for the month of July is prevention, and with that in mind I am hoping that you can answer some questions...
Prevention is cure for ED July 17, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I am a college student who just turned 22 and I am at the peak of my life.I am also in a sexual relationship in college with this girl I...
The ABCD of protection against HIV July 10, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Infection, Uncategorized Dear Dr G,I am a novice when it comes to sex. I often hear about the risk of HIV transmissions and that is enough to send chills down my spine and...
HPV does not have a gender bias July 3, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I am a second-year university student who recently met a girl and we are getting quite serious.One of the important facets of our...
Can too much sex cause male infertility? June 26, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. GI am in my early thirties and have some troubling issues in the bedroom.My wife and I have been married for five years.Although...
Myths and facts about masturbation June 19, 2022 Ask Dr. G, General Health, Sexual Function I am a father of a teenage boy who is somewhat lost when it comes to approaching my son about sexual health.In conjunction with Father’s Day this...
Guilty displeasure: Time to take porn addiction in hand June 12, 2022 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions Dear Dr. G,I am a 26-year-old-man who is ashamed of my porn consumption and hope to get guidance from you for a healthier future.Since my teenage...
What’s in the bag? Husband afraid of undergoing fertility treatment May 29, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility Dear Dr GMy wife and I have been trying for a baby for five years.We went to a fertility specialist a year ago and discovered that I am not...
Seeing blue after popping the ‘little blue pill’ May 22, 2022 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am a 60-year-old-man who is just reaching the age of having problems to “rise to the occasion".I understand, technically I...