‘Bleeding’ Balls July 9, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am somewhat amused by the queries you have recently addressed relating to the scrotum, ranging from lopsided scrotum, to the itchy...
Itchy Balls July 2, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I have an embarrassing problem. I am 25 years old and sexually active. In the past three months, I have been experiencing problem...
Ways To Improve Sperm Quality June 25, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, Ramadan has drawn to a close and everyone is excited about balik kampung, especially the young kids. To be honest, I love Raya....
The Paternal Age Effect June 18, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Questions Dear Dr G, I like your humorous and witty way in addressing taboos and the awkward subject of sexual health. In the spirit of Fathers Day this...
Lopsided Crown Jewels June 11, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Health, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am a 26-year-old fitness fanatic and used to be overweight. Last year, I started going to the gym regularly and lost weight...
The Male Pill June 4, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I read with interest your recent articles about the different condoms for maximizing pleasure and minimizing risks. I understand...
How ‘Quick is Quick’ For Men With PE May 28, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I would like to ask about something that is quite embarrassing. I am 25 years old and have had numerous experiences in sexual...
Benefits Of Condoms May 21, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, My name is Sam and I am 22 years old, and about to embark on a sexual relationship with my girlfriend. I understand the importance...
Masturbation and Teenagers May 14, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am a single mother who has brought up two children by myself in the last 10 years. My son is 15 and my daughter is 13 years...
The Practice of Autocircumcision May 7, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I'm in my early 20s, and I have a question that needs a solution. I'm uncircumcised and I'm aware of the hygiene and long-term...