Not a singular problem October 24, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,My husband is a 28-year-old man who was born with just one testicle.Doctors assured his parents the testicle was "lost" along the way out and would find its way back to its rightful...
Twisted Manhood October 17, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am a worried father who is extremely concern about my adolescent son who has repeated testicular pain.It all started when my nineteen-year-old son attended university.Initially, he kept...
Weakness in the groin October 10, 2021 Ask Dr. G, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I am very embarrassed to share with you some problems I face in the groin.I am a forty-two-year-old man who gained some weight during the pandemic and started smoking again during the movement...
Itch in the pants October 3, 2021 Ask Dr. G, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am a 35-year-old man who has some really embarrassing problems to consult with.In recent months, I noticed that I have a constant itch in my pants.When it itches, I really cannot resist...
Killing the balls softly September 26, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,My wife and I have been married for eight years and she became pregnant within a year of the wedding.We are obviously very blessed with our daughter; However, ever since the first pregnancy, we...
Are We Ready to Reopen Schools Amid Delta? September 19, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I read with interest last week’s article on how to “breed like Mick Jagger”.I may not be breeding like Jagger (yet), however doing a U-turn on my contraception may get me on course to do so.I...
Breeding Like Mick Jagger September 5, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,Houston, we have a problem; my wife is pregnant again!Don't get me wrong. We are overjoyed with the good news of the pregnancy.However, things are clearly not going to be straightforward.I...
Coming clean before and after sex August 29, 2021 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I met my husband last year, at the time aged 38. I am aware of him being divorced three years ago after the failure of his previous marriage.Apart from his relationship with his ex-wife, I really...
When things get bumpier in the night August 22, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I started having sex during my university days but I am not promiscuous.Admitted I have had previous sexual relationships, the last of which ended six months ago.I have since entered into a new...
Gender Equality against HPV August 15, 2021 Ask Dr. G, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am sure you would agree that the Covid-19 pandemic has made all of us more aware about health matters, especially when it comes to protection and vaccination. Personally, I have begun reading up...