Sometimes pulling out is just not enough October 25, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I am in my late twenties and currently in an active relationship with my girlfriend. Although the relationship is going well, we are focusing on our careers before thinking about marriage...
Pearly imperfections in the pants October 18, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am 25 years old and have some kind of skin problem on my glans penis.I have had the problem since adolescence and doctors have told me these are papules that occur naturally in some men.Recently,...
Unhappy Endings October 11, 2020 Ask Dr. G, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I am 52-year-old man who is reasonably fit and healthy but was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago.I saw how diabetes affected my elderly mother over the past two decades, and am...
Gender Disparity in Alcoholic Sex October 4, 2020 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am curious about certain gender differences when it comes to alcohol and sex, and I am hoping that Dr. G can shed some light on the matter.My husband and I are in our mid-thirties and always...
Can all women climax? September 27, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I understand being a urologist, you mainly answer questions about men’s sexual health. However, addressing female sexual health should be equally important as it takes two to tango.I am in my mid...
The risk of swollen crown jewels September 20, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am a fit and healthy man in my early thirties, and I have recently encountered some issues with my testes which I hope you can help me with.About two months ago, I started noticing slight...
Saving Fertility by being a Private Banker September 13, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am hoping you can enlighten me, as I would like to learn about the private matter of preserving a man's fertility.I am a bachelor in my mid-thirties and have not been in a long-term relationship,...
Cut Short for shortcoming September 6, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am 35 year-old sexually active-man who has been having a lot of trouble with premature ejaculation.As far I can recall, I experienced such a dysfunction from the moment I started having...
Fertility U-turn August 30, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am a bit ashamed to email you, but I hope you can help. I am in my early sixties and just ended a 30-year marriage recently.After the divorce, I thought I had gained my freedom and was...
How to choose the right condom size? August 23, 2020 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I am in my early 20s and about to embark on a responsible and independent life in university.I have a respectable upbringing, whereby my parents (especially my mother) are very open about sex...