Does excessive sex affect erectile rigidity? December 22, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I’m a troubled housewife and writing to you with some concerns I have with my husband. I am 48 and my husband is a year older.My husband and I have been married for almost 20 years.I feel somewhat...
Addressing myths about sexual frequency and fertility December 15, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I greatly admire your sense of humour when dealing with taboo subjects of sexual health in a conservative country like Malaysia.I am 31 years old and sexually very active, but I often feel guilty...
On vasectomies and sexual performance September 15, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,With your ongoing series on male sterilisation, I'd like to ask about vasectomies. My husband and I have two children, both delivered via caesarean section due to complications.Following two...
No pain but all gains in getting a vasectomy September 1, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I am a happily married man with a healthy sexual appetite.When we first got married, we both agreed that we should defer having a family till at least three years into our marriage.Sadly, within two...
Seeking an understanding on gender reassignment August 25, 2024 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. GI've been reading your articles on the topic of Intersex with great interest.I've noticed you haven't discussed transsexuality or gender reassignment and while I've heard a lot about transgenderism,...
Seeking clarity on hypospadias and intersex conditions August 18, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I've been following your recent articles on ambiguous gender with interest. I wasn't aware of the condition of being intersex, where even the basic definition of male or female is unclear.I have...
Ending vaping and smoking for erectile strength July 28, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I understand you are featuring pollutants that can cause erectile dysfunction in July and I agree with your earlier articles highlighting the undisputed links between smoking and erectile...
Alcohol and erection problems July 21, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I have an issue with my sexual relationship and am hoping you can help.I am in my early thirties and have been with my girlfriend for two years.When we first got together, our sex life was amazing,...
Smoking’s role in male impotence July 14, 2024 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G,I understand that your features have covered various causes of erectile dysfunction (ED), and it seems inevitable that smoking will be implicated as one of them. I began smoking at age 16 and, thus...
Plastic not so fantastic in the pants July 7, 2024 Ask Dr. G, General Health, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr G,I read with horror a recent publication about microplastics and hope to put Dr. G on the spot for some clarification.I am a young man in my early forties, you can describe me as an environmental...