Short intercourse and improving sex life December 9, 2018 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I'm 48 years old, married and have a professional job. On the surface, I lead such a perfect life. In reality, I'm having trouble between the sheets. Every time my wife and I have sex, the...
Sex and Prostate Cancer Prevention November 25, 2018 Ask Dr. G, Cancer, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am a 40-year-old man who is reasonably fit and healthy. Although I look after myself well, as do most men approaching their forties, I begin to hear more about the prostate, but have no...
Diabetes and Problems in the Bedroom November 18, 2018 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am a 32-year-old man who is married for two years. The sex life with my wife was simply awesome for the first year. Like most men who get complacent after getting married, I lost focus on my...
Sex And Being Single November 11, 2018 Ask Dr. G, General Health, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, Apart from the men’s health Movember November, I don’t know whether you are aware that Nov 11 is Singles’ Day. On this special day, I am hoping you can address some myths or facts...
Sexless Marriage October 28, 2018 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am in my mid thirties and had been married for six years. I have a confession to make. Although we have been together for eight years, including two years prior to the wedding, we have not...
Jaded Sex October 21, 2018 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I have the guilty pleasure of reading your weekly column. On one hand, I enjoy your humorous guidance in solving problems between the sheets. On the other hand, I have the guilty reflection upon...
Porn and ED October 14, 2018 Ask Dr. G, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am a 26-year-old-man who is shameful about my past and hope to get guidance from you for a healthier future. Since the age of 18, I started getting curious about porn. Due to easy...
My wife said that my manhood has shriveled. Can you help? September 30, 2018 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am not the sort of guy who complains all the time, especially with my private parts. OK, I admit it. My manhood is not exactly enormous, compared with the sort of sizes I see on the...
Shortcoming of the Little Blue Pill September 23, 2018 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I think it is my turn this week to have a hard talk with Dr. G. I am a 49-year-old man who is not exactly at the peak of his health. However, I guess I am just a regular city folk who faces...
Malaysian Not Keen on ‘Going Brazilian’ September 16, 2018 Ask Dr. G, General Health, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am a 49-year-old man who is hygienic, fit and healthy. I'm involved in a new relationship and my partner, who is 10 years younger than me, has commented that my pubic hair is somewhat...