Can orgasms be harmful? September 24, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Health, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I often read with interest how you handle readers' queries. I think it is not easy how you address the taboo subjects of sex, without making it "seedy". I am facing a conundrum myself on sex...
The Withdrawal Method September 17, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, My wife and I have been married for 13 years and we have two amazing children. We are very happy now, and not planning to have more kids! Like most couples, we enjoy our intimacy. However, in...
Pre-ejaculate: Any health risks? September 10, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Fertility, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I came across your article recently and I have a few questions to ask. I am a sexually active man and I found some discharge from the penis especially when I am aroused. I am worried that I...
How Safe Is Oral Sex? September 3, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Health, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I know you are a urologist and tend to answer questions for men. However, I hope you can also help me to resolve some concerns I have about sex. I am 22 years old and started going out with my...
Penile Rehabilitation August 27, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am emailing out of desperation and I really hope you can help me. I am a fifty-nine- year old man who unfortunately had been diagnosed having prostate cancer in the beginning of the...
Genital Piercings – To Do or Not To Do August 20, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am a 24-four-year old university student who reads your column on a regular basis and I hope you can help me to answer some "strange" questions. My girlfriend recently talked to me about a...
Sex Life After Vasectomy August 13, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I am in my 40s, happily married with kids. My wife and I have pretty much decided that we do not want anymore kids. It is rather worrisome that "accidents (pregnancy)" can happen even though...
Genital Warts August 6, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Infection, Sexual Function Dear Dr G, I have an embarrassing problem and I hope you don’t mind if I remain anonymous! I recently noticed some growth on the head of my penis when I retracted my foreskin during shower. As the...
Condom ‘Too Big’ or ‘Too Small’ July 30, 2017 Ask Dr. G, General Questions, Sexual Function Dear Dr. G, I am a 22-year- old University student and I face a very embarrassing problem. I started having sexual relationship with several ladies in the college in the last few months. Of course, being...
Is Penis Pearling Worth It July 23, 2017 Ask Dr. G, Sexual Function First of all, I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading your articles. I like your sense of humour, and I think this is definitely an effective way to break the taboo in a sensitive subject of...