Penile Rehabilitation

Dear Dr. G, I am emailing out of desperation and I really hope you can help me. I am a fifty-nine- year old man who unfortunately had been diagnosed having prostate cancer in the beginning of the...

Sex Life After Vasectomy

Dear Dr G, I am in my 40s, happily married with kids. My wife and I have pretty much decided that we do not want anymore kids. It is rather worrisome that "accidents (pregnancy)" can happen even though...

Genital Warts

Dear Dr G, I have an embarrassing problem and I hope you don’t mind if I remain anonymous! I recently noticed some growth on the head of my penis when I retracted my foreskin during shower. As the...

Is Penis Pearling Worth It

First of all, I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading your articles. I like your sense of humour, and I think this is definitely an effective way to break the taboo in a sensitive subject of...

Nipple Stimulation and Sex

Dear Dr. G, My name is Joshua and my wife and I have been married for the last five years. Last month, my wife noticed a small lump in her left breast. We went to the doctor straight away and the biopsy...

‘Bleeding’ Balls

Dear Dr G, I am somewhat amused by the queries you have recently addressed relating to the scrotum, ranging from lopsided scrotum, to the itchy balls. I guess I am going to put the ball in Dr G’s court...

Itchy Balls

Dear Dr G, I have an embarrassing problem. I am 25 years old and sexually active. In the past three months, I have been experiencing problem with itchy balls. On several occasions, my partner caught...

Ways To Improve Sperm Quality

Dear Dr. G, Ramadan has drawn to a close and everyone is excited about balik kampung, especially the young kids. To be honest, I love Raya. However, for the last few years since I got married, I have...