Botched Circumcisions

TIME flies. I find it difficult to believe it has been nearly four years since I met up with Philip Golingai in a café in Hartamas and planned to set up a column in The Star Online. Our goal was to deal...

A Debate Over Circumcision

Christmas is a season to rejoice. While celebrating the festivity with friends and family, I often reflect on the events in the last twelve months, focusing on all the ups and downs. When it comes to all the...

No Mood For Sex

The year is almost coming to an end, with many of us likely to reflect on the last twelve months. For some, it has been a challenging year due to financial head winds. For others, the surprises of the Brexit...

Complications of Circumcision

During the school holidays, parents are taking the opportunity to schedule health care appointments for their children. This includes fathers bringing their sons to see the urologists. This week, we address...

To Cut Or Not To Cut?

Children’s Day is recognised in many nations around the world to honor children globally. Although many countries mark the day on different occasions, the Universal Children’s Day on Nov 20 is celebrated...

Worms In The Pants

Louise J Kaplan, the psychoanalyst and author who used a psychological lens and literary allusion to define and explain seemingly titillating topics in sex once said: “Adolescence is the conjugate of...