Grip Strength – A Predictor of Your Health Risks? June 12, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging A study suggests the chances of having a heart attack, stroke or dying young may be hidden in the palm of your hand. Researchers said their findings showed that muscle strength is a strong predictor of...
Building Tolerance for Allergens May 15, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging Allergies are a serious concern and unfortunately, allergens come in all forms. Peanuts, prawns, pollen, penicillin. Even sweat and semen. Conventionally, we are told to avoid allergens, but a new study...
Tubercolosis March 27, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging In May 2014, governments at the World Health Assembly announced their ambition to end the global tuberculosis epidemic by 2035. With odds stacked heavily against public health practitioners--TB killed 1.5...
Testosterones – Villains or Heroes? March 20, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging As men age, their testosterones drop, leading to an associated rise in risks of obesity and diabetes. On the other hand, high testosterone levels are also linked to cardiovascular diseases. Now, a new...
Anticholinergics March 6, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging Anticholinergics are prescribed for many health conditions in older people, including overactive bladder, depression and seasonal allergies. However, anticholinergics also block signals in the brain and...
Top 10 Men’s Health Questions Answered November 28, 2014 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging Platforms open up for free flow of questions from genes to gonads. Your browser does not support native audio, but you can download this MP3 to listen on your...
Wikipedia Doctor May 30, 2014 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging, Medical Innovations & Advancements Feeling vulnerable and head to the Wikipedia straight away? Are you replacing your physician with your laptop? What are the risks and benefits of the internet healthcare era? Your browser does not...