Fatherhood June 19, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging In conjunction with Father's Day, we explore the psychology and physiology of fatherhood with Dr George Lee and Dr Michael Menke, a psychological scientist. Combining theirs and callers' experience of...
Grip Strength – A Predictor of Your Health Risks? June 12, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging A study suggests the chances of having a heart attack, stroke or dying young may be hidden in the palm of your hand. Researchers said their findings showed that muscle strength is a strong predictor of...
To Catch A Pancreatic Cancer May 29, 2015 Cancers in Men & Women, Dr. In The House Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest. Almost no patients surviving more than 5 years after diagnosis. Still, early detection can improve treatment and quality of life. What are the warning signs and...
Building Tolerance for Allergens May 15, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging Allergies are a serious concern and unfortunately, allergens come in all forms. Peanuts, prawns, pollen, penicillin. Even sweat and semen. Conventionally, we are told to avoid allergens, but a new study...
Telltale Signs of Gastric Cancer in Your Breath May 8, 2015 Cancers in Men & Women, Dr. In The House We explore a study that shows a simple breath test could help predict whether people with gut problems are at high risk of developing stomach cancers. It relies on the idea that people with cancer may have...
Rights of the Doctors and Patients in Medicine April 24, 2015 Dr. In The House, Medical Ethics & Economics A doctor’s ethics dictate that they do good and do no harm. Yet reality is much more complicated when it comes to treating underage patients who disagree with the choices of their guardians--how then...
Debating the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine April 17, 2015 Dr. In The House, Sexual Health & Fertility, STI & HIV The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common virus. If the virus is not cleared, infection can lead to orophayngeal cancer, as well as cancers in the cervix, anal and penile regions. Vaccinating against...
Hormonal Replacement Therapy April 10, 2015 Dr. In The House, Sexual Health & Fertility For many women, menopause can be a difficult change to accept. As the hormones oestrogen and progesterone drop, women experience a host of unpleasant sensation, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness,...
Angelina Jolie Part Deux April 3, 2015 Cancers in Men & Women, Dr. In The House If three women in your family were diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer before the age of 60 , and eventually died from the illness - would you want to know your risk ? And knowing it , what would...
Tubercolosis March 27, 2015 Dr. In The House, Health & Aging In May 2014, governments at the World Health Assembly announced their ambition to end the global tuberculosis epidemic by 2035. With odds stacked heavily against public health practitioners--TB killed 1.5...